learn how to identify mushrooms online

While several fundamental golden rules exist for mushroom identification, numerous exceptions challenge these rules due to the vast diversity of wild mushrooms. Although the exact count remains uncertain, scientific estimates suggest there are over 14,000 species of mushroom-producing fungi. At Mushroom Exam, we strive to detail the most prevalent and safely harvestable species, recognizing that we cannot cover them all.

Below, you'll find an overview of the courses we offer. Designed to be as comprehensive as possible, we assume that newcomers possess minimal knowledge about mushrooms, ensuring we start with the fundamentals.

A. Mushroom Identification

  • Key features of fungi
  • Common Identification Errors

B. Toxic mushrooms

  • Common toxic mushrooms
  • Toxic effects of mushrooms

C. Foray skills

  • Ideal habitat identification
  • Tree and fungi Relationships
  • Seasonal variations
  • Sustainable harvesting of wild mushrooms

D. Getting the most out of edible mushrooms

  • Drying, pickling and storing methods
  • Mushroom recipes

E. Growing Mushrooms

  • Habitat, substrate & season
  • Taking a spore print 

Last modified: Monday, 9 October 2023, 7:25 PM