Want to see some weird fungi? Here is a collection of the Top 10 weirdest mushrooms that we have ever seen.

10. Dead Man's Toes

Can it get more creepy than this? Xylaria polymorpha aka dead man's fingers, usually arise in tufts of three to six fingers that are often bent and give the impression of arthritic black knuckles.

Weirdest mushroom ever

Not only do they show as toes, but as fingers too!

Dead mans toes

9. Bleeding Tooth (Hydnellum peckii)

Some mushrooms look like they're bleeding like the beefsteak fungus (Fistulina hepatica) found on common oak trees in the UK. It is thought that the look of blood might attract predators who then ingest the mushroom and spores which in turn are excreted at another location. Below is an even stranger specimen, the bleeding tooth.

strangest mushroom

8. Warted Puffball (Lycoperdon perlatum

This looks like a medieval club!

Lycoperdon perlatum

7. The Veiled Lady (Phallus indusiatus)

Fancy a dance?

weird mushrooms

6. Ghost Fungus (Omphalotus nidiformis)

Looks very similar to the oyster mushroom but it glows in the dark mushroom, found in Australia and Tasmania.

glow in the dark mushroom

5. Wrinkled Peach Mushroom Fungus (Rhodotus palmatus)

Weird mushroom Wrinkled peach

It's the elusive wrinkled peach mushroom (Rhodotus palmatus). With the decline of ash wood and elm trees throughout Europe and Britain, these majestic mushrooms are increasingly becoming rarer and more endangered. If you're wondering, the red sap-like substance is called "guttation", which is basically the mushroom's way of purging excess water as it grows.

4. Beefsteak Mushroom (Fistulina hepatica)

Weirdest mushroom ever

No this isn't something out of a horror movie, it's a bracket fungus called the beefsteak mushroom. This mushroom, as its name suggests actually tastes like beef and has been used as a meat substitute in the past. It resembles beef so much that it even bleeds a dull red juice when cut just like blood! Eww!

3. Devils Fingers (Clathrus archeri)

Weird devil fungus

Straight from the bowels of hell, the Devil's Finger fungus looks like satan himself is mocking the sky with a fist from the underworld.

Last modified: Monday, 6 March 2023, 10:02 PM