Best places to find morel mushrooms.

In the wild, morels can be found in mixed hardwood forests near aspen trees, white pines, white cedars, ash, aspen, elm, and oak trees. 

Best place to find morels

Areas recovering from fires and have scorched earth are oddly enough an excellent place to find morels as the high carbon content allows morels to thrive. A great tip here is to look out for a map in your locality of controlled fires like this one in Michigan, US.

Where to find morels in US

Other areas favoured by the morel include old apple, peach or pear orchards and dead or dying elm trees. The most common places to find morels are from Washington and Oregon with limited availability from Great Lakes and eastern states locations.

Bets morel locations for hunting

The best locations for finding morels are often closely guarded secrets and need to remain exclusive, otherwise, there will be none left! If you are interested in further reading, we have created a morel hunting course, once subscribed you will gain access to the best places we and our students have found.

Last modified: Monday, 7 November 2022, 7:36 PM